Dear 6th grade students at Delhi Middle School,
Guess who is coming to town? Why it is Uncle Shi Huangdi of coarse. I will be there to spread the word about my great system of government legalism. Legalism is not a bad thing. The only bad thing that is involved in legalism is YOU. That is because all legalists believe that all humans beings are evil and deserve to be punished. What is so wrong with that way of thinking?
Alright, I will admit, at first I wasn't to keen on going. But if Confucius and Laozi are going to speak to the kids I HAVE to go. Confucius and Laozi will feed them all the wrong information. Really, laws and a powerful government are what this society needs right now. I need to share this with the kids. They need to understand this. I'm not shutting down your Myspace or Facebook account simply because I care. I want to shut it down purely because you are evil and THAT seems like a pretty good punishment. Do not listen to those other to speakers in class. Only listen to me. I demand that you listen to me! If you don't listen to me there will be consequences!
14 years ago
I don't believe this. You are really going to give a talk to children? You will probably scare them. I don't really think you know what you are doing. Actually I don't think you really want to go either. By the way put my website back up now. You are acting childish!
Someone who is considered a wise man once said, "Wherever you go, go with all your heart." In case you forgot that dude was you Confucius. And in case you were wondering I am not just going to bring my heart with me, I am going to bring my whole body. Really I don't see how I could not go anywhere without my heart. Isn't my heart the thing that is keeping me alive? Anyways I am going to that school and that is all there is to it.
you are WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why would you shut down my myspace or facebbook that is just wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SunShine Block A
D cox: myspace is like the main source to our like social lives if you take it away your taking out lives but i agree on facebook i don't like facebook
michaela block A
thats so cool. a dead guy is coming to talk to us :)
you are so um i dont um you might be right i guess
by alex brown block a
Ok, shi huangdi you R scary.-Weirdo- don't come back and threaten us! ------Abby
O my gawd noooooo my myspace is the only thing close to me!!!!!!
Katy Block C
If Confucius comes back, bring Laozi. He is amazingly awesome-----Abby
Abby, I agree with you. Shi Haungdi is a weirdo!!
-Alexis W. Block C
This blogging is totaly fun!!!---- Abby
Alexis, does shi huangdi scare u?---- Abby
Mr.Buskers class is the best!!
-Alexis W. Block C
miss swendeman, mr.b u r awesome! I think laozi is cool
oh the one that says mr.b and miss swendeman r awesome is from abby----------- Abby
Mr.Busker and Miss.S are awesome!!!!!
-Alexis W. Block C
i wish shi huangdi would post something-------- Abby
omg confusious he did scare me he wanted my watteeerrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Katy wandstrat
block c
anthomy s block b says:shi huangdi you are wrong it is not right to punnish people just because they dont agree w/ you. and as for louzi a agree w/ wat u say but dont u think it a little exteme. i mean really worship nature,i do think people should respect one and other and also nature but there should be some rules.and as for confucius i love wat u beleve in i love the fact that you say people should respect eachother and they will do good.o and shi huangdi i think u r just parrinoid that people hate u and want to kill u that is why u r so strikt
you stink you will never become president of the u.s. nobudy likes you your mean and croul
alex emig
shi huangdi is soooo scary his third eye creeped me out
sedricks commet above
Alyssa Knapp Block:B SHI HUANGDI!
You make my furious all this baloney about legalism is so wrong. Laozi is right why should people have to suffer because what someone else did. Or maybe your just being a pain in the monkey tush. Violence never solves anything thats why no one likes you. Why cant the world just be a peaceful place with lots of trees. IM A TREE HUGER!!!!!!!! So legalism is so wrong but affective i might say but no one is taking my fingers. Oh by the way take my myspace and Facebook i dont care but never ever take my twitter . Just kidding i dont have a facebook
i disagree with you shi huangd!! because you scare alot of people when you TRY to act all high and mighty. sometimes you can be alittle pushy. and when you say that all of our family members are going to suffer the consequences because of our own actions then you should think again because we all shouldnt have to take part in something when we didnt do anything!!!!! i also think that if you took away myspace then we should be able to take something special away from you!!!!
~alexis presley block b~
do u guys and girls agree with shi huangdi?
block:b king # 41
alex eby in your bell b says:
Dear Shi Huangdi,
i do not agree. humans are not evil and do not deserve to be punished. every one will not listen to you so i gusses alot of people will be getting consequnces.(by the way i think you running for president of the USA waould be bad because most people do not agree with your belifes. most people most likly will not vote for you so save your self and dont.)
thank you,
joe block d i do not agree wiyh legasim because if one person dosnt do there work they should get in trouble not every one he knows or lives by so that is y i dont agree with him thank you
ok are you joking...YOUR A HUMAN BEING TO! so why should you we get punished and you will not. and taking mayspace and facebook away thats just sick and wrong. so id rather vote for the others
Adam, block D
if you take away myspace and facebook everyone that has one of those or both would be crushed because you are takeing away a part of there daliy activity.
I agree if laozi and con are going to shut down our myspace or facebook you step up and take a stand and talk to the kids.
Amanda Charles block D: i dont belive in legilisem some kids still wolunt listen for one the will rebell it is effective but so are the ways and less violent and if some one killed some one youd probly do the same thing to them so you should be punished for doing the same thing the did so really look in to other punishments
also your a person to arnt you
I think shi huangdi is wierd cause a dead prson come to live into your body?? But if that is what people belive is cool for them. It is part of there reoiuius.,
-alexis garcia block d
BY:Pete v. d
yash that is good because i dont myspace or Facebook.
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