Society lets people get away with too much. I am sick of it. As a legalist I believe that the punishment should fit the crime. I am a firm believer in the rule an eye for an eye.
In fact I think if you break the law you shouldn't be the only one who is punished. Your family should be punished as well. Heck maybe even a neighbor or two. That will make people think twice before they steal something. I don't care if they are hungry and all they stole was a slice of bread. What is worse: The pain in your stomach or the image of seeing your grandma in prison?
Strict laws and harsh punishments are the way to go!
14 years ago
Why would you punish my grandma for something that I did? You should respect your elders. Keep family sacred.
Mr. Shi you are a wise man. I think any kid who forgets to bring their textbook to class will have to carry 5 textbooks around for a whole day. In addition, 3 of their best friends will have to carry 5 books around also. Maybe then they will remember!!
Emperor B
Confusious's Grandma should of never got in trouble for what he did. I think Legalist is wrong.
block A mariah i think that if u get in trouble only you should get in trouble
Dcox: legalist is wrong no one would like that beside the person who punish them which isnt right...
you should punish,not some one else for the harm that you did so i totally disagreae
Micky Block:a
Kayla block a...... I don't think if you get in trouble you should punish them not there family. you shoul respect your elders.
Jared Willwerth block B:legalism is not right mr.shi no one should be punished for what whom has not commited.
Dylan Block B i thinck you should not get punished for something i did not do
Parker block b says.... I agree with confucius. If I get in trouble my parents or grand parents shouldn't get punished. I should get punished. I agree with ninja boii.
alex eby from your bell b says... i agree with legalist because of them beliveing in a eye for a eye or in other words punishment should fit the crime!
Kayla block B I think if you get in trouble you shouid be the only on ro get in troulbe
johnny nguyen block b why do you punish some bodys grandma!
alyssa b : confucius you are right you should not punish some one how did nothing wrong. shi law and order is not everything family is more importint then power
MORGAN INSKEEP :) block c if i do something bad why would you punish my family???? HI BECCA!!!!
brooke p from block c thinks that that is not right eny more becuse that punishing inesent people is soo not right.
Ashley Wright Block C
I think Shi Huangdi is right because we need consequences.
A. thatch bloc c y do u think ur so grate How could u be president if u arent even with democracy
Hi Ashley!!!!
i think that his idea is very unhelpful because why would i be punished for what zach did that makes no scence love,
I thinf Shi Huangdi is somewhat right and somewhat wrong because you do need to be punished and I think anyone involved at all should be punished but not everyone but he is wrong in a way because people that behave everday should not be punished.
Block C Amanda M.
this philosiphy is the most unreasonable one
sydney k. block c
zach schultian block c [YOU SHOULD NOT PUNISH EVERYONE FOR WHAT ONE PERSON DOES} :) :) :) :0 :0
nick m block c: i think that the one who commits a crime should be punished by the community instead of them being punished too.
legalist is rong if you stell $100 only you should be punished not your whole faimly
Thomas W block c
madison f. block c:
i think that lagalism is bad because if one person does something wrong other people shouldn't get punished for it because they didn't do it
I like confucius is better than legalism. It is to harsh. I think that the person who did the crime should get in troble. It doesn't make sense!!!!!!!
Emily Ewry Block C
Legalism is bad!!! You shouldn't punish everyone for one persons actions. emily ewry block c
Samantha S. block C
I agree because if people really care about their family and friends and then mady they won't steal things.?
WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY??????????????????? Do u have 2 b so evil Shi Huangdi. Do NOT hurt my puppy, and I have something to say. Shouldn't you and people u know be punished 4 you're wrongs?
-President Abby of block c
bryon wood block d I think your very cruel because everybody else does there work so why do they have to pay the consquences and i dont think you should run for presdint
i think that legalism is cruel and unusual
sydney k block c :(
Morgan Inskeep Block C I i think Shi Hugdi is insane!He should just punish the person who did the bad thing!!! I dont like legalism :P
Emily Ewry block c: i don't like legalism because the person who did the crime should be punished. not the people who did nothing wrong. people are not bad all the time, sometimes they make mistakes.
Idk whats urs?
IDK WHATS URS????????????????
madison f. block c: i also think that legalism is just weird and mean to other peple that didnt do a crime!!!! :(:(
emily ewry block c: legalism is creul!!!! i like the other philosphys better!!! shi huangdi is mean to people.
heeey madison!!!!!!!!!!! wats up:)
hola. i like german better then spanish. do u
i no morgan!:) lol
Danielle: block: b
I think alot about this but killing people over the belifes is not a good thing people should have the right to pick whitch belife the whant to belive dont matter you will not change everyone in china to legalist and that will not stop everyone and thing.
Danielle: Block B
i Dont belive in this no one should get punished if someones actions turned out bad this is crazy you can kill people over this stuff
DeVoN H@$H block b leaglism is WRONG because why should my brother get punished for something that i did even though strict laws will get people to stop stealing but i think its wrong and you should respect your elders too.
alyssa block b : i think that yes we should have laws but we should only get punish when you do somthing bad not when some one else does . yes family is importent and we should respect our elders but we do need a leader to help guid us not a rolemoldel
hi people
Jared W. says........... YOU have the wrong idea because political and government strength means nothing to a strong willed, honorable, and justified family. The only thing you can do is leave a bruise but nothing will penatrate the sheild of honor,will, and true family respect and strength. NOW you remember whar im saying ok and just think aboutit then face the world once more.
Kayla Block B I think if somone gets in trouble and some one else gets in trouble you will not do what you did before.
alyssa m block b: shi power is not everething family is importent to in fact you should take care of your family in there time of need yes laws are importent but the laws should be there to help the people not to harm them and there should not be so strickt of punishmints. we should respect and look after or family and elders
alyssa m block b: shi power is not everething family is importent to in fact you should take care of your family in there time of need yes laws are importent but the laws should be there to help the people not to harm them and there should not be so strickt of punishmints. we should respect and look after or family and elders
I agree if someone does something wrong your family members should have told you to do that something you did wrong.
i think that rule is stupid wat if there was a crime that was really bad wat would the whole entire city get punished thats dum thats like if i didnt do my homework my family and all the people around me would have to serve the punishment Alex Voss Block D
i dont agree with shi huangdi because other kids shouldnt get in trouble for stuff that they didnt do. If a child does something wrong they sholud be the only ones to get in trouble not the other kids and THERE FAMILY that not cool shi huangdi.PEOPLE THAT IN TROUBLE THEY SHOULD GET THE BLAME AND THE TROULBLE.poor kids that get in trouble for not doing anything.
-Dalyia Shalash Block D
Peace out who ever is reading this and i hope you agree with me other people
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